Hey, Its Blaise.

I decided to create a business customizing shoes. I love the idea of being unique, so I wanted to share this uniqueness with the world. In this business, people write me a list of what they want to be drawn on their shoes and I make that dream a reality. 

Business Description

So if you are interested all you need to do is DM or email me a list of what you'd like on your shoes to the email/instagram provided below. Then buy the shoes, white canvas, a good low-cost brand is Lugz. You can find them at this link. LUGZ. If you'd like Vans they will cost considerably more but here's a link for them. VANS.  If you don't have shoes I can buy them for you but the overall cost will increase. A lot of people ask if the shoes will wash out in the rain. They're made with fabric markers so no, they won't wash out. But I wouldn't be stupid and like put them through the wash.


sizes mens 8/ wmns 9 and up-35$ *limited time offer

 if you don't have shoes: +50$ for Lugz or + 60$ for Vans


20$ all sizes

if you don't have the hat: +15$


35$ per portrait 

All I need from you is a black and white picture of you and I will do the rest

The projects

Quick Contact

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My Instagram


ihateblaisecustoms© 2019
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